What is it?

Uplift Training is a program that was created in 2020 in partnership with Spiritual Playdate that seeks to develop the social, emotional, and spiritual life skills of children around the globe, and hopes to empower young kids to be leaders and change-makers who contribute holistically to their fast-evolving societies, specifically through literacy and peace education.

Uplift Training is a virtual workshop offered to teachers, program coordinators, caregivers, or other adults working with children to train them in Uplift’s core curriculum and use of its resources.

Using STEPi and Spiritual Playdate resources that are socially-conscious and culturally relevant, Uplift activities are designed to empower literacy and peace-building skills. These activities are held in primary schools, youth and community-based organizations, places of worship, or even at home. Uplift Mentors interact with students and teachers in engaging, personal and interactive ways through reading and other activities.

Core curriculum and resources

Training sessions include teaching subjects such as Connectedness, the Golden Rule, Ubuntu, Mindfulness, Teacher-Learner Relationships, Parenting, and more. Each session also includes discussions on respective Uplift resources to use along with examples of various activities that can be done with the children, including reading, conversation starters, music, meditations, breathing exercises and more.

“I have learnt a lot from these trainings. My book club has improved and my relationship with the children has improved as well. We have become friends which is something I did not see when I started the organisation.”

— Ntomboxolo Xelani, An Uplift Training Participant

Uplift Enquiry Form

Currently, training sessions to become an Uplift Mentor are hosted via Zoom. Completion of this training offers you access to Uplift resources and the opportunity to host Uplift activities in your community or organisation.

For more information on the next training dates, please complete the form below and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.